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Newton County Republican Headquarters Grand Opening. 

The Newton County Republican HQ Grand Opening will be Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at 5:00 P.M. at 120 S. Wood, Neosho, MO 64850.

The HQ Grand Opening is open to all Republicans.  Refreshments will be provided—free of charge. Pastor Rafael Cruz will be addressing those in attendance.   Born in Cuba, Rafael lived and suffered under a cruel, oppressive dictator. He began fighting Batista’s regime as a teenager and was imprisoned and tortured for his role in that fight.

Rafael arrived in Texas on a student visa in 1957 with nothing but the clothes on his back and one hundred dollars sewn into his underwear. He got a job as a dishwasher, making 50 cents an hour, and worked his way through the University of Texas, while learning English. He later built a small business in further pursuit of the American Dream.

Concerned with the negative impact of the Carter administration policies on our country, Rafael Cruz became engaged in conservative politics as a grassroots activist during the 1980 Presidential Campaign of Ronald Reagan.

When his son Ted was a child growing up in Houston, Rafael would tell him, “When we faced oppression in Cuba, I had a place to flee to. If we lose our freedom here, where do we go?”

In 2012, Ted Cruz was elected U.S. Senator from Texas.

Today, Pastor Cruz is an ordained minister, sharing the Word of God in churches and Pastors’ Conferences throughout the United States. He is also the president of Kingdom Translation Services.

As he travels the country sharing his story and speaking on the Biblical foundations of our nation, it is his passion to encourage Christians in what can be done to return our nation to the principles that made America exceptional.

A Pie Social & Pie Auction will also be held at the HQ Grand Opening.  Pie and dessert donations may be arranged with Republican Women of Newton County President, Tami Owens by calling 417-825-1785.

Bring your friends and neighbors.